Debt-to-Capital Ratio

The debt-to-capital ratio (D/C ratio) measures the financial leverage of a company by comparing its total liabilities to total capital. In other words, the debt-to-capital ratio formula measures the proportion of debt that a business uses to fund its ongoing operations as compared with capital. This financial metric can help you understand a range of…

Quick Ratio

Quick Ratio measures the ability of your organization to meet any short-term financial obligations with assets that can be quickly converted into cash. This ratio offers a more conservative assessment of your fiscal health than the current ratio because it excludes inventories from your assets. Like your current ratio, a quick ratio greater than 1…

Current Ratio

Current Ratio measures the ability of your organization to pay all of your financial obligations in one year. This ratio accounts for your current assets, such as account receivables, and your current liabilities, such as account payables, to help you understand the solvency of your business. Generally speaking, a ratio between 1.5 and 3 is preferable and indicates strong…

Accounts Payable Turnover

The Accounts Payable Turnover KPI measures the rate at which your company pays off suppliers and other expenses. This ratio is important for understanding the amount of cash that your business spends on suppliers during any given period. It shows how many times over the course of the year your business is able to pay off its…